About the Lords Tournament - Lords Mobile
[04/22 Event Schedule] (Event times will be based on the actual time at the venue) 10:00-11:00 Participants arrive Explanation of event rules & event briefing Draw lots to determine match order Preparation time ※ Each team will have a preparation time of 10 minutes 14:05-14:10 Introduce the 6 teams representing their countries 14:10 -14:30 First Match: 1v1v1 14:30-14:40 Reset event accounts (R&D) & Game (Lucky Draw) 14:40-15:00 Second Match: 1v1v1 15:00-15:10 Reset event accounts (R&D) & Game (Lucky Draw) 15:10-15:30 Third Match (Final): 1v1 17:00-18:00 Prize Presentation (Champion) […]