Limited Challenge – Grim Wolf

Fenrir was once the leader of a dark cult, a group of men and women who worshiped the Goddess of Darkness. For their service, Nox transformed them into lycans, wolf-like creatures many times faster and stronger than humans. However, dark gifts come with a dark price: the bestial instincts of the lycans overpowered their humanity, and many of them turned feral. He is voiced by Francisco Jr. Dadia

A horrified Fenrir was determined to lift the curse and save his brethren, but many years of effort turned out to be in vain. His humanity hanging by a thread, Fenrir is now driven both by his quest and an insatiable hunger, and will rip apart anyone who dares get in his way.

Stage 1: A Guiding Light

More hero:

Auto Win Total Hero1 Hero2
13 17 Night Raven Prima Donna
6 9 Rose Knight Dream Witch
3 5 Rose Knight Prima Donna
2 5 Dream Witch Prima Donna

Stage 2: Tears of Life

Auto Win Total Hero1 Hero2 Hero3
5/5 Rose Knight Tracker Dark Follower
5/5 Rose Knight Tracker Night Raven
5/5 Prima Donna Rose Knight Tracker
5/5 Rose Knight Night Raven Dark Follower
Yes Prima Donna Night Raven Dark Follower
4/5 Tracker Dark Follower Child of Light
4/5 Petite Devil Dark Follower Child of Light

Stage 3: Flames of Renewal

Auto Win Total Hero1 Hero2 Hero3
2/3 Tracker Dark Follower Prima Donna
3/5 Rose Knight Dream Witch Tracker
3/5 Rose Knight Tracker Prima Donna
6/15 Rose Knight Tracker Night Raven
1/5 Child of Light Prima Donna Black Crow
2/5 Rose Knight Dream Witch Prima Donna
1/5 Death Knight Prima Donna Black Crow
1/5 Sea Squire Child of Light Prima Donna
1/5 Rose Knight Night Raven Prima Donna
1/5 Watcher Rose Knight Prima Donna

Stage 4: Source of Creation

Manual Tip: Auto part 1.Auto part 2 until you remove Watcher then set to manual to preserve the ultimate strikes.

Start part 3 and use Strix’s ultimate to Elementalist and Watcher.
Use Scarlet Bolt’s ultimate to Aquiris.

Optional: do NOT use Barbarian’s ultimate on phase 3. Then enable auto mode to complete.

Auto Win Total Hero1 Hero2 Hero3 Hero4
0/5 x x x x

Stage 5: Winds of Insight

Auto Win Total Hero1 Hero2
6/7 Dark Follower Lore Weaver
3/4 Dark Follower Prima Donna
2/10 Incinerator Prima Donna
1/5 Child of Light Prima Donna

Stage 6: A Dark Deceit

Auto Win Total Hero1 Hero2 Hero3 Hero4
2/3 Boommeister Lightweaver Grove Guardian Rose Knight
2/5 Watcher Demon Slayer Night Raven Prima Donna
7/9 Witch Doll Rose Knight Demon Slayer Night Raven
2/5 Witch Doll Petite Devil Demon Slayer Night Raven
1/5 Rose Knight Demon Slayer Night Raven Prima Donna
3/5 Rose Knight Demon Slayer Night Raven Petite Devil
3/5 Rose Knight Demon Slayer Night Raven Tracker
2/5 Incinerator Rose Knight Petite Devil Dream Witch
2/5 Night Raven Rose Knight Demon Slayer Black Crow
2/5 Petite Devil Death Knight Night Raven Prima Donna
2/5 Night Raven Child of Light Demon Slayer Tracker
0/5 Witch Doll Rose Knight Demon Slayer Prima Donna
0/3 Rose Knight Boommeister Mastercook Grove Guardian
0/5 Rose Knight Petite Devil Demon Slayer Prima Donna
* Posts are created by game users

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