Deploy Awakened Familiars in battle
You can select Familiars and deploy them with your army in battles!
You can also station Familiars on the Castle Wall to defend your Turf
Deploying Familiars in battles can also increase Army attributes (this requires research to unlock)
Familiar Battle Slots
Head to the [Academy], and tap on the new research tree, [Familiar Battles]
You can unlock Familiar Battle Slots by researching technology in this new research tree (max 5 slots)!
Select the Familiar you want to awaken in the [Monsterhold]
Tap Army Talent
Use [Bright Talent Orb] / [Brilliant Talent Orb] to awaken and upgrade Familiar Talents
Let’s take a quick refresher on Familiars!
Getting Familiars
Open [Pacts] in the [Monsterhold] to summon Familiars
Getting Pacts
Merge items to form [Pacts] in the Mystic Spire!
You can also make [Skillstones] here to upgrade Familiar skills
But remember!!
You need [Anima] to make [Pacts] and [Skillstones]!
Getting Anima
1. Build [Springs]! These produce Anima.
2. You can also use Gems to buy Anima
Training Familiars
1. You can train Familiars in the [Gym].
Familiars can get Familiar EXP and Familiar Skill EXP after training is complete!
2. You can use items in the [Monsterhold] to level up your Familiars, upgrade their skills, or enhance them to the next stage.
Using Familiar Skills
Tap on the Dragon icon on the right side or when you have selected a target’s Turf to use your Familiar’s skill.
Don’t forget that your Familiar must be at Elder Stage to use skills! You also need Skillstones to activate Familiar skills!
Getting Skillstones
Merge items in the [Mystic Spire] to get Skillstones!
Credit to: ooooclaire